Monday, December 18, 2006

Christmas with Carlee

So this weekend Carlee and I had christmas!!! It was a lot of fun!!!!! We went to her christmas party at work and it was super super fun and there was tasty food!!!!! One of many sweet gifts carlee got me was this amazing belt buckle from Anchorman...Sex Panther by Odeon...60% of the time, it works everytime!!!!! Hehe I love ya Carlee!!!!! Ok so its work time now!!!!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Scrabble Winner!

I beat Carlee in scrabble this past weekend!!! The reason this is big news is b/c I don't normal win!!!! She was so sad that i won that she ran off with the score and burned it!!!! So all i have left is this photo of the winning board!!!!!!! My big word that got me to the victory was zipper!!!!!!!!!! Heck yeah!!!!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Working From Home

So today I am working at home on so graphic design work!!!! Everyone was kind of out of the offic ethe last few days so it was kind of sad in there. I might go for a surf at lunch with tyler my room so that will be cool! There a going to be some crazy waves coming this week!!! Heck yeah!!!! Its been flat for like 2 weeks. I also am hoping to get the ball moving on redesigning my site soon!!!!! Bye bye!!!!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Mark got me a new mug for me at work!!!

Mr. Mark griffo got me a mug for at work that i can put my coffee or hot cider in!!!! Thanks mark!!! This bad boy holds a lot of fluid and it is very stlyish and well designed as you can see!!!!! I hope you all like my mug and if anyone would like one let me know. I will try and get ya one. Bye bye again!!!

I got business cards...does that mean i am corperate?

I got my new umedia business cards a few days ago and mr. gheen said i should post them so here they are!!!!!

Me at work!!!! And whats new in life!!!!!

Hello all!!!! So here is a picture of me at work!!!!!! I am working and dancing!!!!! At work we are signing on full time with pony shoes at and we are working some fun new clients as well. We do alot of our work with mircosoft paint which is a great tool if you haven't heard of it!!!! The surf has been so crap the last to weeks and its driving me crazy!!!! It suppose to kick in this weekend!!! I really want to get some barrels and make it out this time. I am also looking forward to the holidays as well as the coming of Sir tudball to the west coast!!! Also i do smell like dead fish when I come out of the ocean!!!!!! Bye bye and if you see someone today whereing a jacket go give them a hug!!!!!!!!!!!