Monday, March 26, 2007

Hydration Study

So this weekend Carlee and I did a hydration study for $120 each at a sports facility in Carlsbad...Here is a pic!!! We both had to run in a warm room (120 degrees I think or something high) for three 40 min intervals. We got to watch a lot of new movies which was fun. This weekend I am heading up to the great North of California to visit Kevin and Adam. I am going to dig out my snow jacket and gloves...haha...jk...should be fun and I am going to try and take lots of pics I can post. We are going to do some skating and maybe some surfing and maybe hang out in the SF or santa cruz...there is a really good mexican restaurant in SF so maybe we will go there one day. Peace.

PS. the movie shooter was super good!!!!


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Making Stupid Creatures

So here is something Carlee and I are trying out...It making creatures out of old socks and ties. I got us a book on how to make them. If anyone would like one let me now we could make you one there might be a mini charge. Here is a pic of our first one. I think his name is Frank...but i am not sure...any names...please comment...

One more thing...

Go to

There is some new work up that might wet your nips
for a bit...hehe...does that make any sense?

Bye bye.

Sorry About the lack of blogging...I am back!

So I have been busy working on my new Ruggedwoodsman site and work with mr. tudball on a special project!!!! I have also been surfing a lot and hanging with Carlee! I have also had a lot of visitors of the last few months. A few guys from U of M were out, my mom and dad as well and a got family friend Stasha and her friend now so its been busy!

The New RW site is starting to look pretty sexy so i am get pumped...esp. because ive been wanting this thing up forever...
I am also working on some designs that I am going to put on a few surfboards. I hope every one starts coming back to see whats going down...

Peace back to work...

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Tres Logos Has Arrived

So Sorry again for not posting in awhile. I just got my new logo book so I am super pumped!!!!! This week has kind of been crazy I have been working and showing a few newlife guys around that are out on Spring Break. They got super skunked because its been cold and it has rained a bunch so no fun in the are a few pics...bye bye.