Monday, October 23, 2006

Today My Fans Said my blog sucks!

So today I learned that many of my fans are upset that I have not posted in awhile. I am going to start again and make you all so sooo happy inside.Bye Bye for now!!!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Sitting At Work...Working at work...

Hello all my blog lovers! Sorry for not updating lately...I am back now. I final have a job after being homeless for the summer. Today i am working at U media and making icons and playing the banjo. I also went surfing this morning at the north jetty in O-side aka oceanside, CA and I got some epic lefts I was super pumped. I also just got back from a trip home to the cold north it was cold like 35 degrees cold. I also got to see mr. kevin tudball which was fun i was kind of scared about his new nipple rings but its all good. Bye bye for now my lovely fans. I ill post later and keep the posting power going!